so far, so............................gone

So the trip to NY so far has been good. got in some good family time, of course new york hits you with a curve ball....Or else it wouldn't be new york right.....so the plans are set in motion...the moon is aligned with the stars and the clouds are parting to bring the sunshine...but of course with sunshine comes rain which then in turn produces a rainbow so...alls we have to do is look over the rainbow.....got a Lil bad news,....all i can say is...if anyone reads this....it in your best interest...you are right, you shouldn't have to wait for a handout, but if your friend has an opportunity to advance and all you have to do is come up with a plan, than failure is not an option....remember...we are men and should be ready to rise to the occasion, and not complain about what we don't have but do best with what is given....\

And on that note.....

wait...not yet....but its definitely coming

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