Fortune? and Fame?

Is it really worth it? I ask myself all the time... What are we chasing??? A better life??? Isn't life about finding love settling down and having kids?? Or is it about doing what ou love, never being with your loved ones and leaving a legacy...I thought it was about friends and family being together and enjoying life??? But I was the first to turn...Yeah I ished on my peoples the ones who always had my back??? My best man?? But were they good for me... A few cases, hard times and hopes and dreams failed...Its only a matter of time before we must become our own...Which leads me to this blog...Once again I put trust into friendship and unity and once again "On my own" (patti labelle sing) Peoples views and dreams change as people realize their worth...And as we know money changes EVERYTHING.... what is our worth, what is your position...Are you to be the wheel behind the car, the driver or just in the passenger seat??? Play your position, Stay in your lane...An Artist will always be an Artist...They can't be the business man and the Artist...Too many hands to juggle...And if your expertise is business, stick to it, be the best at what you're best at...I tried to juggle too much and now where am I??? Sometimes we must step back let the star shine and focus on what we need to, to get to that next level... Me, I am an artist no matter what... I have learned to stay in my lane and do what I'ma beast at... I have faith in my cuzo...He is the future so I will step back and let him shine... Can you or must you, In these days and times, also be a star in the galaxy that's overflooded with dim planets....Play your Position....NO$LEEPgetmoney

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